In the journey of 25+ successful years, Neumatica has been renowned for the quality, reliability, and serviceability of the products with which the organization is striving towards the par of excellence. Neumatica Technologies, with an objective of setting new standards in services, organized the first-ever customer training program on Press-O-Matic products, their usage, and maintenance.

The program was organized in the premises of the Bangalore facility and ran through the theoretical and practical sessions on Hydro pneumatics. Founder of Neumatica, Mr. Victor Edward D’Souza acted as the spokesperson and conducted the sessions that delivered immense knowledge, information the resource had carried in his deep-rooted expertise in the domain. Post lunch, the expert service team of Neumatica, which also was a part of the training carried out the practical sessions on seal kit replacement and cylinder servicing, with live dismantling and assembling of Press-O-Matic cylinder.

At the concluding session, the attendees shared their experience over the training session at Neumatica Technologies. Post-program, Mr. Victor Edward D’Souza, Managing Director of the firm announced that the organization would carry out continuous programs of similar fashion in the future for the interested groups of various Industries.


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