
Klinch-LocTM A Neumatica® brand for pressing machines and solutions introduces a range of clinching machines. They are built exclusively for the sheet metal Industry. We have built unique machines with world-class technology for brands in the industries such as automotive, aerospace, etc. Our product line has been adding values to the sheet metal industry, in the applications such as Riveting, clinching and fastener insertion.
Klinch-LocTM range of clinching machines [KLK series] house, advanced technologies from domestic as well the international markets. The blend of integrated technology and state of art manufacturing abilities at Neumatica® is commendable. It has made us deliver reliable, high quality and value adding machines across industries. The clinching machines by Neumatica® are known for the customization and formulate as the USP of the brand.
The 27-year-old brand has pioneered and is popular for precise and reliable solutions for sheet metal joining needs of the sheet metal industry. The machines are highly versatile and can perform operations on complex profiles with critical bending, components up to the dimension of 1000mm. We are consistent and perpetually developing our products as we evolve with different needs of the industry. A dedicated team of engineers are equipped with ample knowledge on the subject and will offer continuous support for your special requirements.