5 Major advantages of Hydro-pneumatics over hydraulics

The world has seen continuous depletion of fossil fuels since ages and the present day scenario is been turning into a threat to the energy sector. The developed countries of the world have adapted multiple techniques to reduce on the energy consumption through innovative advancements such as replacement of automobiles with electric vehicles, replacement of energy consuming tungsten bulbs with energy efficient LED appliances, continuous upgradation of engines to save on fuel, solar operated appliances, etc.

Among all the other industries of the world, manufacturing and construction industries are the major industries to consume energy and the players of these industries have been focusing on productivity since ages. Lately, some major players have shifted their focus on key factors such as Quality control, Flawless production, Automation and also Industry 4.0. But, none so far have conceptualized a system that can reduce energy consumption. So isn’t there a system in place that can reduce energy consumption? Surely there is! The Hydropneumatic system. Highly Energy efficient, quality resulting, minimum maintenance, Leak proof and noiseless solution for the specific pressing purpose that involve forming of metal components.

The simple fact behind Hydropneumatic systems is “Why waste energy to do no work?”. Yes, the pneumatic setup of Hydropneumatic cylinder does no heavy job, but simple movements with the air pressure. The pressing job is done by the oil that is pressurized by the Intensifier that again is air driven. Hence, the Hydropneumatic system takes compressed air to drive the setup. When compared with Hydraulically driven systems, Hydropneumatics consume minuscule power to operate. Moreover, only the controllers would do. Wherein the hydraulic systems would consume electricity in huge amounts to drive the power pack in every cycle that it performs.

Why Hydropneumatic systems are better than Hydraulics?

  • Medium of operation

Hydraulics are oil-driven. The energy transferred from the high-pressure pump pressurizes the oil and results in the dynamism of sliding members of the cylinder. Pneumohydraulic is a hybrid system derived out of hydraulics and Pneumatics. They use both Air and Oil pressure to perform work. The swift movements of the members are taken care of by Pneumatics and the major work such as application of load is easily done by the oil pressure.

  • Power consumption

Hydraulic Systems operate with oil pressure, which is induced by the high-pressure pumps that generally in Indian context demands a 3 phase power supply. The energy efficient Pneumohydraulic systems operate with an air pressure of 5 bar and a single phase power supply for the functioning of the controllers.

  • Oil requirement

The Hydraulic systems use oil pressure to do the work, Hence require a large amount of oil for the operation. The periodic maintenance of the cylinder demands changes of oil in regular intervals or periodic filtration. The Pneumohydraulic systems considerably reduce the oil requirement and Hence, cuts down the maintenance overheads.

  • Maintenance

Leakage, heating of cylinder, Noise is the common issues faced with hydraulics due to the motion of oil at every stroke, resulting in frequent wear and tear of the cylinder walls due to contaminations in the oil. Hydropneumatics operate with Minimum oil quantity of oil through a reservoir that is in isolation with the moving members of the press. Hence give a minor scope for maintenance. However, periodic regular maintenance could definitely give a longer life to the machine, be it Hydraulic or Pneumo Hydraulic.

  • Applications

Hydraulics are used in some of the obvious places like     Dump trucks, excavators, constructional equipment and other heavy equipment because they are meant to do the job right. But do small operations such as clinching, riveting, Bush pressing, bearing pressing other assembly related pressing jobs to require a Hydraulic system? Pneumo-hydraulics do them right, precise and perfect.


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